An update on COVID-19

Dear Valued Customer,

As we continue to monitor developments surrounding COVID-19, we wanted to keep you apprised of steps we have taken to ensure the well being of our customers and employees and seamless continuity of service.

First, our offices and job sites remain open. However, we have begun our Phase 1, employee work from home strategy. Should anything change, we’ll keep you posted.

Our field technicians are practicing social distancing during any customer interaction and when possible, we’re asking our customers to provide adequate space for our technicians to work and weather permitting, allowing them to work outside. Additionally, we’ve restricted visitors to all our buildings and will be using web meetings, whenever possible. We’ve discontinued nonessential business travel.

Consistent with CDC guidelines, we’re asking all employees to stay home if they are sick, avoid close contact with people who are sick, to wash hands often with soap, and more. We’ve also hired a supplemental staff to disinfect surfaces and commonly used areas, every day, throughout the day.

As always, MHS Lift remains dedicated to providing customers with the highest level of service. We have successfully worked through challenging times throughout the last 50 years. By working together, we are certain that we will get through these challenging times once again.


Andy Levin, President

Brett Levin, Vice President

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