Taylor-Dunn vehicles
Moving Goods and People
Taylor-Dunn vehicles offer practical solutions with optimal performance while reducing your operating and maintenance costs.
Utility Vehicles
Durable and Reliable for Everyday Jobs
With built-in safety features and durably comfortable design, Taylor-Dunn’s Utility Vehicles gives practical performance at a low maintenance cost.
Light Duty Series
- G-100, MX-600, MX-1600
- Capacity: Up to 1000 lb
- Tow Capacity: Up to 7500 lb
Medium Duty Series
- B-150, B-200, B-210, G-1500
- Capacity: Up to 2400 lb
- Two Capacity: Up to 8400 lb
Heavy Duty Series
- Bigfoot, Bigfoot XL, Bigfoot 3000
- Capacity: 3000 lb
- Two Capacity: Up to 10,000 lb
Efficiency Leading to Higher Performance
Stockchasers act as maneuverable vehicles that increase worker efficiency and performance by carrying heavier loads.
Tow Tractors
Compact and Adaptable for Ground Support
With the multiple power offerings of gasoline, diesel, electric and LPG, flexibility and compactibility is guaranteed no matter the weight.
Medium Duty Series
- C-425, C-426AC, E-451, E-455, E-457, TT-316AC
- Tow Capacity: Up to 30,000 lb
Heavy Duty Series
- TC-50E, TC-30/50C, TC-30/60, TC-80/120
- Tow Capacity: Up to 120,000 lb
Industrial Carts
Custom Built for Every Need
Created for the purpose of durability and reliability, industrial carts can be custom made so that they can best serve your personal needs.
Jtec Series
- CarryLite, CarryMore, CarryMax, MoveMore
- Capacity: Up to 30,000 lb
- Max Train Length: Up to 8
Personnel Carriers
Taking You Where You Need to Go
Taylor-Dunn’s Personal Carriers operate at low speeds so every passenger on the carrier makes the trip safely – and at a competitive price.